요즘 글로벌 기업들이 많아지며 면접 시 영어 회화를 보는 경우도 많습니다.
한국에서 일하면 아무래도 고객응대시 한국인이 많기 때문에 영어를 많이 보진 않더라도
기본적인 의사소통이 되는지에 대해서는 유심히 보는 편이라 생각합니다.
영어자기소개예시 및 영어 면접 시 준비하면 좋을 것들을 한 번 알아봅시다.
1. 영어로 자기소개 (기본)
여기는 그냥 제가 아예 예시로 써놓을게요. 여기에서 자신에게 맞는 것들로만 바꾸시면 됩니다.
Hi, It's my pleasure to introduce myself to you guys. My name is oo and English name is ㅁㅁ. I studied (Chemical engineering / Art / Economics). and oo years this year.
전공을 살리는 경우
while i studied my major I found it's interesting for me so that makes me to study deeply in this field.
전공 살리지 않는 경우
even though I studied ㅇㅇ But I realize this field(내가 지원하는 분야) is more fit for my personality and what I can do well then my major.
자기 성격 소개
내성적인 경우
I'm quit introvert but this personality leads me to concentrate and doing finely on my task
외향적인 경우
I'm people person, look back my life, met my people I kinda get some ideas how to communicate with others and what is a good conversations.
So that's most of me if you have any detail questions I'm ready to answer
Thank you for listening my short story.
2. 영어로 자기소개 (심화)
왜 지원하셨냐는 질문도 받을 수가 있습니다. 사실 이부분까지 영어로 면접을 하실 진 모르겠지만 혹여나 외국인이면 아예 다 영어로 진행이 되거든요. 사실 사람마다 자신이 경험한 바가 다르기 때문에 더더욱 면접이 어려운 것인데요 최대한 범용적인 내용으로 소개해드리겠습니다.
지원 이유에 대한 영어 답변
well, When i worked at oo company I found meeting new people, introduce and explain about somg products are interesting for me. While I was doing this, I realized that I am good at this also my colleague told me like this as well.
for example, One customer was looking for her grandson's present but didn't know what to buy, I asked grandson's personality and most of time what he likes to do. she answered like he likes to play indoor also with his sister. So I suggested to get a playdough to make something with his sister. And grandmom bought this one and few days later she came back to my shop that her grandson really liked this present. I know this is not very special moment but these lilttle things when I worked gave me a fruitful feeling and I got a motivation to work hard to help to others considerations.
대략적으로 이야기를 하자면 손님들을 도울 수 있는 사소한 경험들이 내가 일을 할 때 더 집중할 수 있고 내가 손님들에게 더 알맞는 제품을 추천해줄 수 있도록 하는 동기부여가 된다. 이런 내용입니다. 면접1분자기소개예시는 이러한 것들에서 잘 응용을 하면 1분정도 채울 수 있습니다.
Since I was younger around 10 years old. I had big curiosity about logics and mechanism like how and why. So when I was young I open the clock and see how clock works. In university studied about something and make come true our goals are really intersting for me so that last year in Uni, I could develop half sticky note with my colleague. I know working at laboratory needs good at deal with fine things at the same time good communication skills with team members. Because update new result also important to make a fast process. And I know I also good at these things as well. So that's the majority of reasons why I applied this position.
이런식으로 1분 자기소개 예시는 어렸을 때 부터 무언가의 원리를 이해하는 것을 좋아했고, 대학교 마지막 학년 때 뭔가를 개발했다. 그리고 팀웤이 중요하다는 것도 잘 알고 있다. 이런 식으로 회사에서 내가 필요한 모든것을 이미 갖추고 있다는 것을 은연중에 내보이는 것이 중요합니다.
3. 왜 이 회사에 지원을 했는가.
이것은 회사의 인재상을 알아야 하고, 회사가 추구하는 방향을 조사해야 합니다. 제가 모든 회사를 다 조사할 순 없으니 굵직한 것만 설명드리겠습니다. 또한 자기소개서 예시로는 자신의 경험을 바탕으로 솔직하게 적는 것이 가장 좋습니다. 또한 자소서지원동기예시로 응용하여 작성하시면 되겠습니다.
회사가 추구하는 것
창의적인 인재:
When I worked at shop as part-time our shop has few songs that we need to play and it was christmas seasons. so I thought "Hum, it might good to turn on Christmas songs to catch more customers also little bit of Christmas decorations." so I made Christmas card and put infront of the cash register and searched good Christmas songs and that really helpful to catch the customers because few people came to me and said they stay this shop longer to listen these songs. So I like to think creatively to make something better.
환경을 생각하는 회사:
I already know that your company's laptop hardcase material is 100% recycled. I always thought when we make the materials also consider our world as well. because living bad earth with big money doesn't makes us happy. What the human wants is live all people happily together. So I also try to reduce once used stuff so that always bring my bottles try not to use plastics. So if I could work here then I would feel more concentrate not to use too much non recycable stuffs.
팀워크를 중요시 하는 회사:
I always think living along well means nothing. Basically we are all animal. We need connections with others to feel invovled or happy. So that I think team work is key point me to be happy. Actually when i worked at shop infront of my shop she wasn't my team but I think she as my team because her customer came to our shop quit many times. ofcourse not only to make our shop profit highter but also want to help her that we could all to be happy. So when she is busy and our shop is no customer I sometimes step down to her shop and helped the customer and bit trim of displaying. Also when my team member felt bad from bad experience I think consoal their mind also part of team work. I good at this as well.
영어로 자기소개와 영어 자기소개예시는 이정도로 준비를 하시고 추후 더 궁금하신 사항이 있으시면 댓글로 남겨주세요.
거의 매일 확인하니 도움을 드릴 수 있길 바랍니다.
또한 자소서성장 과정 예시로는 이 전 글을 참고해주세요:)
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